And the Winner is...

So, today Maryn sat down and read through twice each of the entries.  She narrowed it down to 3 favorites and she had a tough time but her favorite story that made her laugh was Carrie and Drew's Brownie Story. I'll repost it if you missed it.  This was without any help from me also.  She said what she thought was funny was Drew thought the whole time he thought he was trying to stir out big lumps of powder when it was nuts the whole time.   Thanks for everyone who entered I had a good laugh on all of them.  Carrie your chocolate will soon arrive!

Reposted Comment that won:

since my cooking disasters are pretty lame, i decided to share one of drew's disasters. i told him one night how nice it would be if when i came back from visit teaching the apartment smelled like brownies. so he got a box of brownies and proceded to make them. when i came home my apartment did not smell like brownies and drew was still in the kitchen mixing them, there was mix all over the stove top. i asked drew why it was taking him so long to make them and he said he was trying to get all the lumps out, i looked at the box and the mix he chose contained nuts, so the lumps he was trying to get out were walnuts. he hasn't attempted brownie making since.


  1. yay, i'm glad we won. drew will forgive me for sharing his story once he eats the yummy prize


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